This is a thought-provoking article that should be read by all writers, published and unpublished. He starts with a word of caution:
“Today I want to pass along some advice for unpublished writers that I think is very important. I'll warn you up-front that this is not advice that a lot of people want to hear. But I'm going to share it anyway.
Everyone who contemplates writing a novel dreams of publication. That's why we do it in the first place. Nobody wants to write something just to stick it in a drawer. So when the first glimmer of success comes along, we jump at the bait like the hungriest fish in the pond.”
Along with his insightful advice about agents and publishers, it is worth reading the comments about the article from writers who share their own experiences, anxieties, and desires. Included in the reader comments is Montgomery’s own addition:
"If you were told you were never going to get published, would you still write?"
“I wouldn't. I write because I feel a need and a desire to write. But I also write for an audience. Writing for my own pleasure doesn't interest me at all.”